Instructions for Authors

Welcome to the Instructions for Authors page of Scitech Journals, where we outline the guidelines for submitting your research manuscript. We appreciate your interest in contributing to our journal(s) and are dedicated to facilitating a smooth and efficient submission process for all authors.

Types of Articles Considered for Publication in Scitech Journals

Research Articles: These are original research papers that present new findings, methodologies, or theories within a specific scientific discipline. The word count for research article submission should be limited to 2000-5000 words.

Review Articles: These provide a comprehensive summary and analysis of existing research on a particular topic, offering insights into current trends, controversies, and future directions. The word count for the review article should be 2500-8000.

Case Studies: These describe specific instances or examples that illustrate important principles, phenomena, or methodologies within a field.

Short Communications: These are concise reports that present preliminary findings, novel techniques, or interesting observations that may not warrant a full-length research article.

Editorials: These are opinion pieces written on current issues, debates, or developments within the scientific community.

Letters to the Editor: These are brief communications from readers that comment on previously published articles; propose corrections, or present new insights related to the journal's scope.

Perspectives or Commentary: These are articles that offer personal viewpoints, reflections, or critiques on recent research, trends, or debates in science.

Book Reviews: These provide critical evaluations of recently published books relevant to the journal's field, highlighting their contributions to the literature.

Special Issues or Themed Collections: These are collections of articles centred around a specific theme, topic, or conference proceedings, often curated by guest editors.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Originality and Scope

  • Submissions should present original research or significant scholarly contributions within the scope of the journal.
  • Manuscripts must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript Structure

Title: The title should succinctly summarize the main topic or findings of the manuscript, providing a clear and informative overview for readers. It should be concise yet engaging, accurately reflecting the content to attract interest and convey relevance.

Author Information: Authors' names should be listed below the title, along with their respective affiliations, contact, and email addresses. Use superscript numbers to indicate different affiliations if necessary.

Abstract: The abstract, within a word limit of approximately 150 to 250 words, outlines the study's purpose, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. It serves as a concise snapshot, allowing readers to quickly grasp the research's significance and outcomes.

Keywords: Provide a list of relevant keywords, typically around 5 to 10, to enhance the indexing and searchability of your work. These terms should reflect crucial aspects of your study, facilitating its discoverability in academic databases and literature searches. A well-chosen set of keywords improves the visibility of your research.

Introduction: The introduction section lays out the fundamental components of the study: the research question, objectives, and rationale. It articulates what the study aims to investigate, why it's important, and what specific goals it seeks to achieve. This sets the stage for readers to understand the purpose and context of the research before delving into the details.

Methods: The methods section outlines the research design, methodology, and data analysis techniques used in the study. It provides a clear overview of how the research was conducted, including any experiments, surveys, or observational methods employed, as well as the approach taken to analyze the data collected. This section ensures transparency and reproducibility while allowing readers to evaluate the study's validity and reliability.

Results: The results section systematically presents the study's findings in a clear and organized manner. Utilizing tables, figures, or graphs where applicable enhances the visual representation of data. This section serves to communicate the outcomes of the research, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the study's results.

Discussion: The discussion section interprets the results of the study, exploring their implications and significance in the broader context of the research field. It critically analyzes the findings, compares them to existing literature, and offers insights into their potential impact. This section encourages reflection on the study's contributions while identifying areas for future research or practical applications.

Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the study and their significance, emphasizing their contribution to the field. It also offers suggestions for future research directions, highlighting areas that warrant further investigation based on the study's outcomes. This section provides closure to the research while guiding future inquiries in the field.

References: Authors should adhere to the journal's reference guidelines, accurately citing all sources within the manuscript. Proper formatting, including citation style and bibliographic details, ensures consistency and aids readers in accessing referenced works. Following these guidelines contributes to the overall credibility and professionalism of the research.

Acknowledgments, Sources of Funding, and Disclosures: In any scholarly article, including acknowledgments, sources of funding, and disclosures are essential components that contribute to transparency and integrity. Acknowledgments recognize the contributions of individuals or organizations, while disclosing sources of funding ensures transparency regarding financial support. Disclosures are crucial for revealing any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the interpretation of the research findings.

Formatting Requirements

  • Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format.
  • Submissions must be in English and adhere to grammatical and linguistic standards. Authors whose native language is not English are encouraged to seek language editing assistance before submission.
  • Ensure proper formatting of headings, subheadings, and citations according to the journal's style guide i.e Chicago.
  • Ensure all tables, figures, and graphs have captions and legends, placed appropriately in the manuscript. Tables should be in numerical order in Excel format, while charts and diagrams must be in Excel/Word format. Images, diagrams, and pictures should be in .JPEG format.

Submission Process

  • Authors are required to submit their manuscripts electronically through the journal's online submission system.
  • Include a cover letter with the submission, providing details such as the manuscript title, the corresponding author's contact information, and any conflicts of interest.

Peer-Review and Publication Process

  • All submissions undergo rigorous single-blind peer-review process to ensure quality and scholarly integrity.
  • Authors will receive a notification regarding the editorial decision on their submission. This decision could include acceptance, rejection, or the need for revisions.
  • Along with the decision, authors will also receive detailed feedback from the reviewers. These comments often include suggestions for improvement or clarification to enhance the manuscript's quality.
  • Recommendations provided by the reviewers guide the editorial decision-making process. While the final decision rests with the editors, they take into account the reviewers' assessments and comments.
  • If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the next steps involve copyediting and typesetting. Copyediting involves checking for grammar, spelling, and style consistency, as well as ensuring adherence to journal formatting guidelines.
  • Typesetting refers to the process of arranging the text and graphics of the manuscript into the desired format for publication. This step ensures that the final published version is visually appealing and easy to read.

Article Processing Charges

Scitech Journals as a non-profit organization, transparency is paramount in our APC policy reflecting our dedication to sustaining open-access publishing and serving authors effectively. Our APC policy is designed to ensure equitable access to publication services while upholding the highest standards of quality. We strive to keep authors informed about the APC structure, eligibility for waivers or discounts, payment procedures, and any associated benefits. Through clear communication and fair practices, we aim to facilitate authors understanding of the costs and processes involved in publishing their research work with us. By transparently outlining our APC policy, we underscore our commitment to a supportive and accessible publishing environment where authors can confidently publish their scholarly work to a global audience.

Publication Charges Euros 879 USD 899

Copyright and Licensing

  • Authors retain copyright of their work and grant the journal the right to publish the manuscript.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permission for copyrighted material included in their manuscript.

Ethical Guidelines

  • Authors are expected to adhere to ethical standards in research and publication. Plagiarism, fabrication and falsification are strictly prohibited.
  • Include proper citations and permissions for the use of copyrighted material.