The terms and conditions of a publishing house are crucial for authors, editors, and readers to understand, as they outline the rights, responsibilities, and expectations for all parties involved in the publication process. While specific details can vary significantly from one publishing house to another, common elements often include:

Copyright and Licensing:

Copyright Transfer: Authors might be required to transfer copyright to the publisher, granting the publisher exclusive rights to publish and distribute the work.

Author Warranties and Responsibilities:

Authors typically warrant that the work is original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere.

They must also ensure that the work does not infringe on any copyrights, trademarks, or other rights and that necessary permissions for reproduced material have been obtained.

Submission and Peer Review:

Guidelines for manuscript submission, including formatting and required documents.

Post-Publication Rights and Access:

Authors' rights to use their work in teaching, future research, and within their institution.

Corrections, Retractions, and Expressions of Concern:

Procedures for handling errors, corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern post-publication.

Conflicts of Interest:

Policies requiring authors, reviewers, and editors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the editorial process as the scitechseries follows the single blinded peer review process.

Data Sharing and Transparency:

Expectations for data sharing and transparency, encouraging authors to make the data underlying their research publicly available when possible.

Ethical Considerations:

Requirements for ethical approval for research involving humans or animals and for obtaining informed consent.

Digital Preservation and Archiving:

Policies on how the publisher will preserve the digital version of the work to ensure its long-term availability, for the maintaining of the article authors must pay the publication fee of 499 $ towards the article processing charges, as Scitech Journals is a non-profit organization and don’t receive any funds from the Government/Non- government companies, institutes, universities etc. The publication charges can be paid after the article got published and/or in the peer-review process upon the authors convenience.

It's important for authors to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of the publishing house before submitting their work. These terms not only affect how the work can be used and distributed but also outline the legal implications and obligations for the author and the publisher. Authors can reach the if they require any more details/clarification.

Refund & Cancellation policies

By submitting the manuscript from the author, confirms the acceptance of publishing the article with us.

The publisher retains the authority of checking the quality of the article and peer review process according the format of the journals.

After the peer review process the author will be charged as per the article processing charges of the journal, this charge includes various inputs of software utilization, man power, editorial guidance which are involved in the peer review process.

Once the payment is done by the author, if the author would like to withdraw his/her article, the article will be removed from the website and article processing charges will be reversed to the original mode of payment to the author within 7-10 business days.