Instructions for Authors

Scitech Journals believe in publishing article that not just enlightens the world with the latest science data but also is one hundred percent authentic. We believe with our work we can make this world a more aware place. We welcome you to submit your article here. Kindly read the protocol to help you assist.

Submission of Article

Your manuscript should be closely related to the topic of the journal. Once you have decided which journal fits into the criteria of your manuscript, you can either send it directly to the Editorial Board or send us an attachment. The manuscript must have all the required consents and must be free from any copyright issues whatsoever. An article must be sent under one journal only. Kindly follow the below protocol for elaborate information on how to submit an article. We hope to be at your service whenever you need us.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Scitech Journals as a non-profit organization, transparency is paramount in our APC policy reflecting our dedication to sustaining open-access publishing and serving authors effectively. Our APC policy is designed to ensure equitable access to publication services while upholding the highest standards of quality. We strive to keep authors informed about the APC structure, eligibility for waivers or discounts, payment procedures, and any associated benefits. Through clear communication and fair practices, we aim to facilitate authors understanding of the costs and processes involved in publishing their research work with us. By transparently outlining our APC policy, we underscore our commitment to a supportive and accessible publishing environment where authors can confidently publish their scholarly work to a global audience.

Publication Charges Euros 879 USD 899

Refund Policy: APC payments are non-refundable, except in cases of double payments or accidental charges. Refund requests must be made within 30 days of payment for consideration.

Resubmission of article

After the process of peer-review, the reviewers give their feedback on the article. The Feedback gets updated on the Editorial office. In case the article is accepted and there is a need to make certain amendments suggested by the reviewers, the author /s is informed about the same. Once you have made the obligatory changes in connection with the reviewers, submit the article ASAP.

The status of the resubmission will be updated on the Editorial Office online. We will simultaneously mail you regarding the same.

Scitech Journals considers various types of articles for

publications such as:

Research Articles: Research article reports the original study performed by the authors. The results and Discussion section illustrate the outcomes of the data analysis. Tables and figures describing the results are typically included followed by a conclusion and References. The submission should be limited to 2000-5000 words.

Review Articles: Review article is comprehensive, definitive descriptions of any subject within the scope of the journal. Its analysis summarizes previously published studies, rather than reporting new facts or analysis. The word count for the review article should be 2500-9000.

Case Reports: Case reports are professional narratives that provide feedback on clinical practice guidelines and offer a framework for early signals of effectiveness and adverse events. The authors should clearly describe the clinical significance or implications of the case. The word limit for the case report should be 1000-2200.

Commentaries: Commentaries are opinion articles that will inspect novel concepts and findings introduced into the scientific record. The word limit should be 1000-1500.

Brief Reports: Brief reports are concise, focused reports of original research, in any basic, translational, pre-clinical, or clinical research, which have at least some therapeutic relevance as per the scope. They can be sub-analyses or updates of previously published research studies. They should briefly summarize the results of the original data. Observational studies in pre-clinical and clinical settings are suitable for publication. Reviews and opinion pieces are not considered for publication under this category. The word limit should not exceed 2500.

Editorials: Editorials are expert opinions on a specific field where the specialist can predict and analyze future trends based on current developments. Editorials are generally written by senior scientists, distinguished academicians, and noble laureates that have extensive command over the field. The word count should be 500-1000.

Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editors are the reader’s views, opinions, comments, and suggestions on various articles published in the journal. It elaborates, question, analyze and add value to the study. Letters to the Editors should not exceed 500-1000 words.

Manuscript Guidelines

  • Authors can specify the aims and scope in addition to the journal keywords for refining their journal selection in case multiple journals within the same subject domain are found.
  • Authors are inspired to make use of the subject guide for selecting the most suitable journal of their choice for submitting their work.
  • Scitech is an open- access publisher and does not receive funding from any Institution/Government. The Scitech publisher operates on the processing charges that are received from the authors.
  • The basic article processing fee is applicable based on the extent of editing, graphical effects, author proof preparation, etc. Galley proofs would be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author in the form of a PDF file. Authors need to read the proofs carefully and the corrected file needs to be returned promptly.
  • Same manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal simultaneously.
  • Authors need to ensure the originality of the data and images presented. Sourced information need to be adequately cited and acknowledged. Authors need to obtain permission from the copyright owners for any copyrighted work included and sources of the articles need to be accredited.
  • Authors are expected to make sufficient preparations to provide relevant raw data, and supplementary information to verify the validity of the results.
  • Ensure the originality of the data and images presented. Sourced information needs to be adequately cited and acknowledged.
  • Data and text sourced from previous publications should not be reproduced as such.

A list of acceptable file formats is mentioned below. Additional files of any type, such as movies, animations, or original data files can also be submitted as part of the manuscript.

The below files are required for the submission:

Title Page

Include a separate title page with:

  • Title (maximum 70 characters, including spaces)
  • All authors' names and full addresses
  • Corresponding author’s email address

Abstract and Keywords

The entire abstract is the summary of the study, including its scope, methodology, findings, conclusion, and limitations. The abstract should not exceed more than 350 words in length. A minimum of 5 keywords should be placed at the end of the abstract.


Introduction set the study by briefly reviewing relevant knowledge of the subject; follow this with a concise statement of the hypothesis and objectives of the study. It provides basic information about the study and discusses briefly various aspects of the study.

Materials and methods

It provides sufficient information for other workers to repeat the study. The well-established methods are used to give a reference to the technique and provide full details of any modifications.


The author draws different conclusions by analyzing the information extracted and analyzing the data obtained from the study. The author would get the findings at the end, which may or may not coincide with the hypothesis set by the author at the beginning of the study.


The author should put all the findings in a broader context and highlight the importance and novelty of the work.


Conclusions are generally drawn from the findings that are summarized at the end to draw valid findings of the study.

Tables, Figures and Graphs

All the tables, figures, and graphs provided in the text must have captions and legends, indicating their appropriate location in the manuscript. All the tables must be presented in numerical order in Excel format, charts and diagrams must be presented in excel/word format and the images, diagrams, and pictures must be presented in jpeg format.

Acknowledgments, Sources of Funding, and Disclosures

Acknowledgments: Author/s must acknowledge all the persons, institutions, organizations, and funding agencies that are resourceful in conducting the study.

Source of Funding: The author must detail all of the sources of funding relevant to the research reported in the following format:

  • This work was supported by the Medical Research Council (grant numbers xxxx, yyyy); the NIH (grant number xxxx).

When the research has not been funded please state the following:

  • This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.

Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose commercial associations that might create a conflict of interest in connection with submitted manuscripts. This statement should include appropriate information for each author, thereby representing that the competing financial interests of all authors have been appropriately disclosed. If there is no conflict of interest, please state “Conflict of Interest: None to report.”


All references, including links, must be numbered consecutively, in square brackets, in the order in which they are cited in the text, and should be formatted. Each reference must have an individual reference number.

Post Submission Process

Once the article is submitted, the assigned Editors send the article to the reviewers for their feedback. Once the article is reviewed, its feedback is sent to the author. The Author might have to do the required changes and revert back to the article. After the acceptance of the article, the author is informed of the concerned publication date.

License and Copyright

During the submission process, the submitting author needs to complete a publication agreement on behalf of the co-authors and the copyright holder for the article. As part of this agreement, the copyright holder will grant the Scitech series a non-exclusive license to publish the article. The copyright is retained by the original copyright holder and is not assigned to the Scitech series.

Human and Animal Rights

  • The Scitech Journals appeals to authors to take all the requisite consent before the publication of the article.
  • We need to know that the data in your research meets all ethical grounds.
  • The Editor in chief takes a verdict on an article that might break any ethical, human, or/and animal right.
  • Every clinical trial that is carried out in the research must be done taking Human and Animal Rights. Any violation might result in the rejection of the article.